Our meetings are open to the public, and we’d love to have you join us! We hold monthly meetings and try to go back and forth between in-person and virtual. You can find past event materials here and on our YouTube channel.
You can also view our MoCo events calendar (or add it as a Google calendar!) to stay up to date on other upcoming public hearings, meetings, and events that may be of interest.
EVENT: Attainable Housing Walking Tour of Friendship Heights
This fall, Montgomery County will have a big conversation about how its neighborhoods should look in the future–including how to create more housing options for people of different ages, incomes, and lifestyles. What does that mean for you? Let's go for a walk and find out.
November 2024 Steering Committee Meeting
The November meeting of the Montgomery for All Steering Committee will take place on Tuesday, October 29 at 6:30 p.m. (one week early, as the regular Nov. time would fall on Election Day).
The committee meets monthly, and any member may attend the steering committee meetings. Click here to join on Zoom.
EVENT: Attainable Housing Walking Tour of East Silver Spring
This fall, Montgomery County will have a big conversation about how its neighborhoods should look in the future–including how to create more housing options for people of different ages, incomes, and lifestyles. What does that mean for you? Let's go for a walk and find out.
EVENT: Silver Spring attainable housing pre-session meet-up!
Gather with fellow attainable housing supporters at Silver Branch Brewing before heading over to the first Attainable Housing listening session a couple blocks away at the Silver Spring Recreation and Aquatic Center!