Release: CSG and Montgomery for All support the More Housing N.O.W. Package

January 28, 2025

Carrie Kisicki, Montgomery Advocacy Manager

CSG and Montgomery for All support the More Housing N.O.W. Package

ROCKVILLE, MD — The Coalition for Smarter Growth and Montgomery for All are proud to support the More Housing N.O.W. package to increase housing options in sustainable locations and support our workforce and first-time homebuyers. 

At today’s press conference, Montgomery for All member Chris Vroome, a registered nurse, spoke powerfully on how the lack of affordable housing in Montgomery County is forcing staff to live far from their jobs, threatening the ability to adequately staff medical facilities and provide timely emergency care. 

We commend lead sponsors Councilmembers Friedson and Fani-Gonzalez, as well as the package’s co-sponsors, Council President Stewart and Councilmembers Luedtke, Balcombe, and Sayles, for demonstrating the leadership our county needs to address the county’s housing needs.

“Building more housing along our corridors, a central piece of this package, will help more people afford homes in Montgomery County and live close to jobs, transit, and amenities,” said CSG’s Montgomery Advocacy Manager Carrie Kisicki. “This is a major win for smart and sustainable growth, allowing us to create more of the homes our workforce needs without long commutes, increased vehicle emissions, and environmentally damaging sprawl.”

“The broad and diverse coalition backing the announcement of the More Housing N.O.W. package today speaks for itself,” said Kisicki. “CSG and Montgomery for All stand with our nurses, teachers, firefighters, small businesses, affordable housing providers, and so many more in our community in supporting this legislation marking a new and productive approach to tackling our housing crisis.” 

The Coalition for Smarter Growth is the leading organization in the Washington, DC region advocating for walkable, bikeable, inclusive, transit-oriented communities as the most sustainable and equitable way for the region to grow and provide opportunities for all.

Montgomery for All is a grassroots, community-led group advocating for sustainable and inclusive land use, housing, and transit policies in Montgomery County, Maryland. Montgomery for All is organized and supported by the Coalition for Smarter Growth.

Coalition for Smarter Growth  —
Montgomery for All —


Sign up for More Housing NOW hearings on March 11


Big news! Council announces the More Housing N.O.W. package