Omar Lazo - Question 3
Question 3: Over 40% of Montgomery County’s greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. What policies and investments would you support to address this?
Transcript: So the question is 40% of Montgomery County's greenhouse emissions are coming from transportation. I believe that we really need to focus on our public transportation system, expanding it, making it reliable, making it equitable, you know, continuing. Right now, the fares are free for the ride on buses. We need to continue that from here on in. You know, we spend more money collecting. We spend more than that, you know, more than $20 million just collecting those fares. It makes no sense for us to be spending money. You know, we're not breaking that even breaking even on collecting this money. So we need to keep the fares free. We also need to electrify our entire system from our school buses to our Ride On buses, to every vehicle that we put on the road, and investing in the infrastructure that's going to charge all these vehicles, solar panels, wind power, and making sure that all around, you know, we set the example. You know, we set the example for all of our residents you know, starting first with our own government vehicles. And also having a much expanded transportation system is also going to improve the ridership. You know, if we have a, you know, a dedicated lane for our BRTs, then people will definitely start riding the BRT routes because it will get them where they need to go faster. And until we do that, we're not going to increase ridership with the buses. So there's many changes, but I definitely am focused on making sure that our transit system…