Jacqueline Manger - Question 3
Question 3: Over 40% of Montgomery County’s greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. What policies and investments would you support to address this?
Transcript: Hello again. I'm Jacqueline Manger. Thank you, Montgomery for All, I'm thrilled to talk about environmental issues affecting our county. I'm so proud to be endorsed by the Sierra Club. You know, it's an unfortunate myth that environmental policies harm economic growth. The two can and do coexist, and the end result can be both a better environment and a better economy. So what policies and investments would I support to address greenhouse gas emissions from transportation? That's the question. Well, our efforts in economic development and job creation should be approached with the lens of climate change impact in mind. This means projects that increase jobs in locations where people can easily walk or use public transportation to get to work. We must ensure that BRT is truly rapid. Invest in bikeway and path projects that would connect the most people to public transit. And leverage this especially in the corridors where this would extend or improve the existing infrastructure. Finally, I'm pragmatic. We will not give up our cars. To encourage and facilitate the use of cleaner and greener vehicles, the county can invest in a better charging infrastructure and should be committed to expanded solar in the county to do our part to clean up the dirty power grid. For more information about me…