Jacqueline Manger - Question 2
Question 2: If elected, what strategies would you pursue to ensure housing is affordable for people of all incomes?
Transcript: I'm Jacqueline Manger. Manger for Montgomery here. When elected, what strategies would I pursue to ensure affordable housing for people of all incomes? Well, when I think about affordable housing, I also think about job growth. We need more better paying jobs for people in our county. In many areas of the County, housing will come organically if we give the building industry the demand they need. But we need to make it easier for builders to do business in our county. We have to shorten and improve the review permitting process. Time increases cost for builders. If we do this, housing at all levels can become more affordable. We should focus on new construction in the transit corridors and within walking and biking distance to transit. I support efforts to allow duplexes in single family neighborhoods, starting with those within a mile of a bus route, Metro, BRT. There is an opportunity to get creative with financing and incentives with builders to create deeply affordable housing along the Purple Line. And we should explore uses for county property to expand affordable housing stock. For more information about me, Jacqueline Manger, please visit mangerformontgomery.com.