
Andrew Einsmann - Question 4

Question 4: What does Montgomery County need to do to achieve Vision Zero, eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries?

Transcript: Recently, we had a tragic loss of life of a seven-year-old girl on a main road waiting for a bus. One of the things that we need to consider is, and MCPS needs to reconsider is, where their bus stops are. There are a lot of bus stops that are on major roads, and this has happened before and unfortunately, if we don't have them go off the side roads, it could happen again. The other thing that I feel is very important are either overpasses, underpasses, or when there are high pedestrian traffic areas that are not in major cities, that we have lights either on the side, but more preferably on top of the road. So that cars are fully knowledgeable of when to stop. The best example of this that works really well is on Bel Pre Road between Layhill Road and Georgia Avenue. It works, very it's very effective, and yeah, those are the best ways to go Zero Vision. But recently we had that major tragedy in Bethesda, and I hope over time we can improve our roads, improve our pedestrian safety, and our bicycle safety, so that we can reduce these tragedies.


Andrew Einsmann - Question 3


Omar Lazo - Question 1