Andrew Einsmann - Question 1
Question 1: The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments projects that Montgomery County’s population will increase by 200,000 over the next 30 years. How should the county prepare for future growth?
Transcript: Question 1: How should the county prepare for future growth? The county should prepare for future growth by maximizing densities around Metros as the first option. One thing we definitely need to do is remove the bus depot from the near the Cherry Grove Metro so that we can increase densities there. There's a there's a plan in place to put about 1,500 housing units over in that spot and if we can remove the bus depot we can do that better. The other thing we need to do is increase real transit options. I am for increasing the Corridor Cities Transitway, which has been a real option as opposed to the extension of the Shady Grove Line to Germantown. With those we have more transit, more transit locations, therefore we can maximize the densities around those locations. The other thing we need to do is flexible zoning for hotels and office buildings that may be vacant or near vacant or have low, low rates and that they can have the flexibility to become affordable or robust housing easily.