2022 Candidate Video Questionnaires
For the 2022 election, we are asking candidates for Montgomery County Executive and County Council to film themselves answering four questions. Every resident of Montgomery County is allowed to vote for four at-large candidates who represent the entire county and one district candidate. The Council Districts have changed for 2022, so find out which district you live in here. The primary election is on July 19, 2022 and general election is on November 8, 2022. Find out more at the Montgomery County Board of Elections website. You can also engage with these videos on our Twitter.
#1 - The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments projects that Montgomery County’s population will increase by 200,000 over the next 30 years. How should the county prepare for future growth?
#2 - If elected, what strategies would you pursue to ensure housing is affordable for people of all incomes?
#3 - Over 40% of Montgomery County’s greenhouse gas emissions come from transportation. What policies and investments would you support to address this?
#4 - What does Montgomery County need to do to achieve Vision Zero, eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries?
Montgomery for All is part of a 501(c)3 non-profit, so these responses will not be used for making any candidate endorsements. The videos are posted in the order they were received.