Christa Tichy - Question 4
Question 4 - What does Montgomery County need to do to achieve Vision Zero, eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries?
Transcript: Four: “what does Montgomery County need to do to achieve net Vision Zero, eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries?” I recommend researching areas of interest with collected data of events. I would participate in the sector of the county that works with the net Vision Zero plan. Presently, areas of interest are Emory Lane, Muncaster Road, Grove Street, Rockville Pike, BRAC Crossing Project, and the White Flint Project. I know that Medical Park Drive, off Georgia Avenue in Silver Spring, is a path for pedestrians and school children as a cut through to access their school. This should not be opened up for through traffic, as it will endanger the lives of the children that pass there daily to get to school. This is key, and the research, study, data, and community involvement in action are critical. Road signs are helpful to designate reduced speeds, children crossing, schools, and recreational centers.
Spanish: Cuatro: "¿Qué debe hacer el condado de Montgomery para lograr la Visión Cero neta, eliminando las muertes y las lesiones graves por accidentes de trafico?" Recomiendo investigar áreas de interés con datos recopilados de eventos. Yo participaría en el sector del condado que trabaja con el plan neto Visión Cero. Actualmente, las áreas de interés son Emory Lane, Muncaster Road, Grove Street, Rockville Pike, BRAC Crossing Project y White Flint Project. Sé que Medical Park Drive, por Georgia Avenue en Silver Spring, es un atajo para peatones y niños en edad escolar para acceder a su escuela. Este no debe estar abierto al tráfico vehicular, ya que pondrá en peligro la vida de los niños que pasan por allí a diario para ir a la escuela. Esto es clave, y la investigación, el estudio, los datos y la participación de la comunidad en acción son fundamentales. Las señales de tránsito son útiles para designar velocidades reducidas, cruce de niños, escuelas y centros recreativos.