Andrew Einsmann
Question 2: If elected, what strategies would you pursue to ensure housing is affordable for people of all incomes?
Transcript: OK, so the next question, Question 2: how are we going to ensure affordable housing for people of all incomes? Right now, currently, we have 12.5% of new construction and large developments have to be MPDU housing, which is Moderately Priced Dwelling Units. 65% of the median income qualifies there. I would propose that we have the same amount, 12.5%, also for workforce development housing which is 120% of the median income in the area. So that way a quarter of the housing is already affordable for people that are working. I believe we need to also, at the same token, incentivize teachers, fire, and policemen to live in the county. That can be a built-in incentive in their pay as well, so that they can get a bump on pay if they stay in the county. I think is essential for their quality of life, and I think it is essential to keep, retain these employees, to have them have some incentive to want to stay in the county, to live.